Identifying Functionally Important Features with End-to-End Sparse Dictionary Learning
Dan Braun, Jordan K. Taylor, Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill, Lee Sharkey
Identifying the features learned by neural networks is a core challenge in mechanistic interpretability. Sparse autoencoders (SAEs), which learn a sparse, overcomplete dictionary that reconstructs a network's internal activations, have been used to identify these features. However, SAEs may learn more about the structure of the datatset than the computational structure of the network. There is therefore only indirect reason to believe that the directions found in these dictionaries are functionally important to the network. We propose end-to-end (e2e) sparse dictionary learning, a method for training SAEs that ensures the features learned are functionally important by minimizing the KL divergence between the output distributions of the original model and the model with SAE activations inserted. Compared to standard SAEs, e2e SAEs offer a Pareto improvement: They explain more network performance, require fewer total features, and require fewer simultaneously active features per datapoint, all with no cost to interpretability. We explore geometric and qualitative differences between e2e SAE features and standard SAE features. E2e dictionary learning brings us closer to methods that can explain network behavior concisely and accurately. We release our library for training e2e SAEs and reproducing our analysis at
This paper introduces end-to-end sparse dictionary learning (e2e SAE), a novel method for training sparse autoencoders (SAEs) that improves their ability to identify functionally important features in neural networks. Key Innovation: Traditional SAEs are trained to minimize reconstruction error of network activations, but this approach may learn features that aren’t maximally relevant for the network’s actual computation. The authors propose training SAEs by minimizing the KL divergence between the output distributions of:
The original model
The model with SAE activations inserted
Figure 1 The authors introduce two variants: - SAEe2e: Trained only with KL divergence loss and sparsity penalty - SAEe2e+ds: Additionally includes downstream reconstruction loss to ensure activations follow similar pathways through later network layers Key Findings:
Both e2e variants achieve better performance with fewer features compared to traditional SAEs: - Require ~55% fewer features per datapoint for the same level of performance - Need fewer total features across the dataset - Maintain or improve interpretability
Geometric Analysis:
[See Figure 3 in the original paper]
e2e SAEs learn more orthogonal features than traditional SAEs - SAEe2e+ds features are more robust across random seeds than SAEe2e - SAEe2e+ds features partially align with traditional SAE features, suggesting potential for initialization
Downstream Effects:
Figure 2 While SAEe2e has higher reconstruction error in downstream layers, SAEe2e+ds achieves similar downstream reconstruction to traditional SAEs while maintaining the benefits of end-to-end training. Trade-offs: The improved performance comes at a computational cost, with e2e variants taking 2-3.5x longer to train. However, the authors suggest this can be mitigated through: - Using fewer training samples - Reducing dictionary size - Using traditional SAEs for initialization Significance: This work represents an important advance in mechanistic interpretability by providing a method that more directly optimizes for functionally relevant features. The improved efficiency in feature usage (fewer features needed for same performance) suggests the method is better at identifying truly important computational components of neural networks. The paper includes extensive empirical validation across different layers of GPT2-small and Tinystories-1M, with comprehensive ablation studies and geometric analyses that support the main claims.