
This paper presents a novel approach to discovering interpretable circuits in transformer models using dictionary learning, focusing on a case study of Othello-GPT. The work advances mechanistic interpretability by providing a patch-free alternative to traditional circuit discovery methods. Key Contributions:

  1. A new framework for circuit discovery that avoids activation patching and offers better computational efficiency

  2. A comprehensive analysis of where to apply dictionary learning in transformer architectures

  3. Detailed case studies showing how the method reveals interpretable circuits in Othello-GPT The authors propose decomposing three key components: - Word embeddings - Attention layer outputs - MLP layer outputs

Figure 2: Five choices of positions to decompose via dictionary learning. Prior work has studied decomposing $X_{P1} $ , $X_{p2} $ and $X_{p5} $ , namely word embedding, MLP hidden layer and the residual stream. We claim it preferable to decompose $X_{P1} $ , $X_{P3} $ and $X_{P4} $ i.e. word representations, the output of each attention layer, and the output of each MLP layer.
Figure 2: Five choices of positions to decompose via dictionary learning. Prior work has studied decomposing $X_{P1} $ , $X_{p2} $ and $X_{p5} $ , namely word embedding, MLP hidden layer and the residual stream. We claim it preferable to decompose $X_{P1} $ , $X_{P3} $ and $X_{P4} $ i.e. word representations, the output of each attention layer, and the output of each MLP layer.

Figure 2 The paper demonstrates how this approach can trace information flow through the model’s components. The framework allows for both end-to-end and local circuit analysis, starting from any logit or dictionary feature. A significant case study examines Othello-GPT, a transformer trained to predict legal moves in the game Othello. The authors discover several types of interpretable features: - Current move position features - Board state representations - Empty cell detectors - Legal move indicators

Figure 6: (a)Board state at move 8. White player has just played on b-4 and flipped c-3, so throughout this residual stream Othello-GPT treats white tiles as mine and black as the opponents. We mainly focus on the azure-framed local state in Figure 6(b).
Figure 6: (a)Board state at move 8. White player has just played on b-4 and flipped c-3, so throughout this residual stream Othello-GPT treats white tiles as mine and black as the opponents. We mainly focus on the azure-framed local state in Figure 6(b).

Figure 6 The paper provides detailed examples of circuit discovery, including:

  1. A local OV circuit computing board state

  2. QK circuits implementing attention patterns

  3. Early MLP circuits identifying flipped pieces

[See Figure 8 in the original paper]

Compared to traditional patch-based methods, this approach offers several advantages: - Linear computational complexity vs quadratic for patching - No out-of-distribution issues - Direct interpretation of feature interactions The authors acknowledge some limitations in their dictionary training:

[See Figure 10 in the original paper]

An interesting observation about Othello-GPT vs language models shows different density patterns in feature activation:

Figure 13: Average L0 norm of 10,000 tokens of each dictionary. Late MLPs in Othello-GPT exhibits higher L0-norm, close to d_model = 128.
Figure 13: Average L0 norm of 10,000 tokens of each dictionary. Late MLPs in Othello-GPT exhibits higher L0-norm, close to d_model = 128.

Figure 13 The paper makes a compelling case for dictionary learning as a powerful tool for mechanistic interpretability, while honestly addressing current limitations and areas for future work. The approach shows promise for scaling to larger language models, though the authors note that Othello-GPT’s simpler domain makes it an ideal test case for developing these methods. The methodology presented could significantly impact how we understand neural networks, offering a more systematic and computationally efficient approach to circuit discovery. The authors’ careful attention to both theoretical foundations and practical implementation details makes this work particularly valuable for future research in mechanistic interpretability.